Do You Know About Kangal Dogs???

The Main Purpose of This Dog:

3 min readMar 25, 2021

This dog is not at all a toy dog rather it is a huge dog that people bring just to protect their home and this is one of those basic strong dogs that are not at all fancy. People who have sleeps or other domestic animals often get this dog so that this dog can protect such domestic animals from wild animals and by this, it is clear that these dogs are very strong and they have a protective nature which is a great thing for sure.

Kangal Dogs

So even if you don’t have domestic animals as such but still you want a dog that would protect your home and family then Kangal dog can be the best option for your home.

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Size of This Dog:

Just like any other guard dog, this dog is also very big and it has the potential to fight with any wild animal and its body size compliments the purpose of this dog which is a great thing for sure. The size of this dog is one of the reasons that you need to be trained for training this dog otherwise things can get a bit complicated that you might not want for sure.

If you would consider the weight of this dog then they can have a bodyweight of about 145 pounds or so which seems to be heavy for sure. They can have a height of about 30 to 32 inches which is again huge and so they cannot adjust in apartments rather they seek for open spaces and if you would keep them in small space then they would fall sick and would also become depressed at the same time so you need to be careful in this case.

The Lifespan of The Kangal Puppies:

Death of a pet is hard to accept thing and it is more like losing the best companion of yours so people try to get dogs that can live for the maximum time and this dog is one of them for sure. If you would be able to keep this dog under care and maintenance then you would able to enjoy their company for the longest time which is a great thing.

Kangal Dogs

An average lifespan of this dog can be 12 years to 15 years but in some cases it has been seen that this dog can be alive for some more years as well so you need to take better care of this dog and good meals and checkups can be best options in this case that you should never ignore in case you want your dog for the longest time in your life.

The Appearance of This Dog:

This dog appears big with woggle ears that are dark in color and it has a huge head with a huge black nose. This dog is covered in medium-sized fur all over its body which looks cool.

Kangal Dogs

Color of This Dog:

This dog usually comes in a tan color though you would be able to find the rich tag and beige color as well and you would be able to see that the neck area of this dog is kind of dark and it has a black spot on the face. The ear of this dog also appears dark brown to black in color. You would also be able to find brown spots on other parts of this dog which complements the look of this dog well.

Kangal Dogs




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